ParseDate Function

Parses a date passed as a String and creates a Date object.


result = ParseDate( Text )




The Date string to be parsed.


The Text parameter must be a valid String representation of a Date. You can use the slash, the dash, the period, or the space to separate the Month, Day, and Year. For example, the following are valid String representations: 12/14/1341, 12-14-1341, 12.14.1341, 14Dec1341, 14.Dec.1341, and 14 Dec. 1341.

ParseDate honors the Date Format settings of the user's computer. For example, the string "12/11/2004" will be parsed as the eleventh of December in the US. If the computer is configured for the British date format, it will be parsed as the twelfth of November.

ParseDate will parse dates based on the user's locale even if the user's locale is a Unicode-only locale.

If you use only the last two digits of the year, the current century is assumed.

ParseDate does not parse the Time value of a Date, if present.


The following code displays the parsed Date in a message box in the Abbreviated Date format. You can use any Date property to return corresponding values, e.g., the Day, Month, and Year properties hold the day, month, and year of the passed Date.

Dim theDate as New Date
Dim theTrueBool as Boolean
thetruebool=ParseDate ("14Dec1341",theDate)
If theTrueBool then
  MsgBox thedate.AbbreviatedDate
  MsgBox "Invalid Date format!"
end if

See Also

Date class, Database class examples.